massage orlando

Is Relaxation Massage Effective for Pain Relief?

[perfectpullquote align=”full” cite=”Michael F. Beck” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””] Massage is effective in reducing pain owing to several neurological processes and conditions. The positive effects of relaxing massage interrupt the transmission of pain sensations of affected pain receptors from entering the central nervous system by stimulating other cutaneous receptors, because of what

Advanced Therapy Massage vs Relaxation Massage

We have simplified our massage menu. BodyMx Massage & Skincare now offers Relaxation Massage and Advanced Therapy Massage. You may be asking yourself what the difference is between these two services. Relaxation Massage is ideal for those who have had a hard working week or feel like treating themselves to

Olympians are using cupping to help recover quicker!

Cupping has recently gotten a lot of media attention after Michael Phelps, an Olympic swimmer was seen with the telltale purple cupping marks. Cupping is an ancient Chinese modality that helps to relax and bring blood flow to sore muscles. BodyMx Massage and Skincare offers this beneficial add on to

Sugar Scrubs

Next time you book your massage in Orlando at Radiant Massage & Skincare you Should consider adding on a sugar back scrub! Sugar scrubs can help reverse early signs of aging. Exposure from pollution, dirt, stress and sun’s ultra violet rays damage the skin cells. This leads to skin dullness

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