Skincare after Laser Hair Removal Therapy!

Though aesthetic, at times, laser hair removal could be extremely painful. Laser hair removal technique is the most opted method for hair removal in Florida. Most people opt for this procedure because it focuses on specific zones where undesirable hair grows and leaves the zone flawless.

A person experiences a slight discomfort, pain, high body temperature, and a sensation of mild sunburn after the Laser hair removal therapy in Florida. Simple skincare tips are sufficient to avoid or minimize these problems. Following are the skincare tips one should follow to heal the treated zone rapidly and completely.

1. Use cool packs and soothing products.

One may observe redness and swelling in the treated area that cause irritation, discomfort, and pain. Ice packs and soothing products like aloe vera gel will reduce the pain experienced after the therapy. Apply ice packs and gently rub it over the treated area. Aloe vera gel is the best natural Skincare product that speeds up the healing process. Apply ice packs and aloe vera gel until the redness and bumps disappear. Both of them are safe and do not show any side effects. 

2. Protect your skin from the environment.

The skin becomes quite sensitive after the therapy. The redness and the bumps may worsen when exposed to sunlight, dust, etc. It’s better to keep your skin protected from the environment to prevent the worsening of pain and irritation. Use suitable products to protect your skin like the sun-screens at least for a month after the treatment.

3. Avoid beauty products.

It’s highly recommended not to use beauty products like makeup, lotions, creams, deodorants etc. of the first 24-48 hrs of hair removal therapy in Florida. Make sure the skin is clean (free from dust) and dry. Avoid products that cause skin irritation like scented lotion, creams, makeups, etc.

4. Avoid hot water baths.

Hot water can cause irritation and burning of the skin. Doctors suggest having cool water showers for a few days after the laser hair removal therapy in Florida. Also, avoid the usage of hot water bag packs as it can cause redness and aggravation on the skin.

5. Use specific moisturizers to enhance the healing process.

Moisturizers enhance the healing process. Non-comedogenic moisturizers keep the skin pores clear and work well when used regularly. Apply gently and avoid rubbing it vigorously as it could worsen the effects.  If you would like to try a gentler method of hair removal, consider opting for organic sugar hair removal. You can read more about it here.

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