Health Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Prenatal massage is a beneficial form of bodywork that shows a positive impact on the body and mind of the expecting mother. Prenatal massage improves the condition of the muscles and joints, enhances blood flow and general body tone, and mitigates mental and physical exhaustion. Prenatal massage Orlando not only reduces distress associated with pregnancy but also improves the health condition of the newborn.

At Radiant, our skilled Licensed Massage Therapists will get you on your way to a healthy and relaxed pregnancy.

The potential health benefits that the mother and the newborn get from prenatal massage are as follows.

1. Prenatal massage gives relief from pain.

Women may experience severe sciatic nerve pain and pain associated with joints, bones, and abdomen during pregnancy. Common complaints of an expecting mother include low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatic nerve pain, pelvic pain, and hip joint pain.

Therapeutic massage heals the body by reducing the discomfort caused due to the aches. Researchers say that women who’ve received prenatal massage at least once in two weeks tend to be healthier than the ones who didn’t have prenatal massage.

2. Prenatal massage regulates the hormone levels and enhances the mood.

During pregnancy, many women go through a lot of discomforts and mental stress. High blood pressure is quite normal in pregnant women. High blood pressure elevates the anxiety and stress levels due to the release of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline). Prenatal massage elevates the levels of the hormones responsible for lowering stress and anxiety (dopamine and serotonin).  Prenatal massage Orlando enhances the mood and controls the blood pressure.

3. Prenatal massage reduces edema.

Accumulation of fluids in the soft tissues of ankles and feet occurs during pregnancy. This condition is called Edema. Edema causes great pain and weight gain. Prenatal therapeutic massage reduces fluid accumulation and therefore reduces the swelling caused due to edema. Thus, excess weight gain is also prevented.

4. Prenatal massage ensures quality sleep.

Women experience insomnia (lack of proper sleep) during pregnancy. Insomnia is due to the hormonal changes occurring in the body. A good prenatal massage aids in hormone regulation thereby reducing the symptoms of insomnia. The massage enhances the quality of sleep and helps the women in dealing efficiently with insomnia.

5. Prenatal massage improves the health of the baby.

The health of the baby depends on the health of the mother. The happier the mother is, healthier will be the baby. Any health problem during pregnancy poses a threat to the baby and might also result in some unwanted results like premature birth, low birth weight, etc. Prenatal massage offers a natural and drug-free healing alternative to the mother. Prenatal massage is an ideal way to avoid medication for common problems like swelling, pain, stress, anxiety, insomnia, etc. thus improving the health of the baby.

Conclusion: Making prenatal massage at Radiant a part of your prenatal care offers huge potential health benefits to the mother and the baby as well. Make sure you consult a certified, trained, and experienced therapist. Avoid prenatal massage if you have preeclampsia, high risk of pre-term labor, and clotting disorders. Click here to book online.

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