You may be wondering what a Virtual Pain Management session is. The best way for me to answer this is to tell you a little bit about a typical in-office massage session. When I have the privilege of working with a new client we usually spend about 10 minutes prior to the hands-on portion of your treatment going over a thorough intake. During this part of your session, I ask about your goals, pain levels, range of motion, what makes your pain better or worse, what limits this pain is creating in your day to day life and about your emotional state. I may have you go through a couple of different stretches while I visually assess your range of motion or palpate the area to see where the pain is coming from. All of these questions allow me fully assess your well-being from a holistic perspective to formulate a plan.
Once I have a plan, I step out of the room and allow you to get comfortable. When I come back into the room we get to work! I use a variety of modalities to stretch muscle tissue, encourage circulation and to break up muscular adhesions AKA “knots.” These modalities include breath work, massage, and therapeutic stretching. After your session is complete, I will check in and reassess the pain area and we will set up a follow up session. I will also give you few stretches to do at home or work to prolong the results of our session.
In a Virtual Pain Management Session we go through most of the steps of an in-office session. The only difference is that I ask you assist me with the help of my trusty friend!
Although you will not feel me working on your muscles I am able to teach you how to get relief at home until we can work together in person.
While I am working out the logistics of this new virtual service I am offering my first 3 clients a free session! Just book your session here and I will comp your first virtual visit.