Recently, we attended an amazing course provided by Dolphin MPS in St. Petersburg, FL and learned a whole new way to treat pain. By using a Dolphin NeruoStim Device we are able to alleviate pain in any area that has been causing you trouble.
The first principle of MPS therapy that we learned was Scar Therapy. We learned how scars, whether they are old or new can affect fascia in the body. Fascia is a connective tissue that encases all of your organs and muscles. When we have an injury whether is is a cut, sprain or bone break our bodies create scar tissue. This tissue is a lot more restricted then our normal uninjured tissue and many times we are able to see where a scar in one area of the body can cause pain, decrease range of motion or tightness in another part of the body due to the fascial adhesions.

We can now use our Dolphin MPS to treat this tissue. “In general, this treatment is completely painless. You will see immediate visible changes in the appearance of the and pliability of the scar and gradually will notice a reduction in the tightness throughout the entire body. When a scar has been released there is no longer a restriction in the flow of energy, blood circulation and lymph drainage. The body can then complete the healing process. “ Dolphin MPS
Published research proves MPS Scar release therapy can provide significant pain relief in the 1st session. After a single scar release application, MPS improved pain outcomes 73% on severely chronic pain patients, who suffered an average 7.61 years with an average intensity of 6.33/10. (IJCAM)
We are so excited to incorporate this new therapy into our results driven practice! Call us to book your next appointment or book online here!