LED Facials

LED Photo facial in Orlando

What is LED?

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. These colorful little bright lights are connected to semiconductors that take electric energy and transmit this energy into light waves. Each color LED has a different wavelength that penetrates the skin at different levels. Once the light penetrates the skin cells are stimulated and put to work!


The LED facials at Radiant Massage & Skincare can be customized with 4 different colored lights. Each light treats a different condition.


Red LED promotes cell regeneration and blood circulate. This light helps to stimulate collagen and is an excellent anti-aging treatment.


Blue LED helps to kill bacteria, slow oil production and relieve breakouts. Blue LED is mainly used to treat acne.


Green LED is used to treat sun damage and skin discoloration. It affects the melanocytes that cause dark spots on the skin.


Yellow LED is extremely soothing and calming. Clients who suffer from sensitive skin and rosacea can greatly benefit from this light.


What happens during an LED facial?

All makeup will be removed and your skin will be thoroughly cleansed. Light proof goggles will be put on your eyes. Then you will relax for about 30 minutes under our LED facial machine. After your treatment is over sunscreen will be applied. This treatment has zero downtime and makeup can be applied immediately after.


Does an LED facial hurt?

This is a completely pain free treatment. You make feel a bit of warmth from increased blood flow.

How often should I have an LED facial?

LED is most effective when done in a series. We recommend a series of 8 treatments done twice a week over the course of one month. Each treatment is about 30 minutes. The best part of this treatment is that results are immediate and cumulative! Immediately after your treatment you should notice a nice glow to your skin, but as you get more treatments you will see even more improvement.  To maintain your skin after you’ve gotten your desired results we recommend getting a LED facial at least twice a year.

How much is an LED facial treatment?

You can add on an LED treatment to any Classic or Signature Facial for $45
A stand alone LED treatment is $55
Series of 8 treatments $400 (4 month expiration from date of purchase)


Call us to set up your next treatment 407-494-2272 or visit our website to book online 

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